Last Updated on November 6, 2019
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has revealed a plan to fund “transition-related surgery” and other medical procedures for trans military veterans.
The plan was reported on by Politico in an article about Sen. Warren promising to overturn the transgender military ban on her first day in office.
On Sen. Warren’s website, in an article titled “Keeping Our Promises to Our Service Members, Veterans, and Military Families,” Warren included a section on “LGBTQ+ Service Members,” the article proposes the following:
I’ll include the LGBTQ+ population in the VA’s Center for Minority Veterans, ensuring that they receive targeted outreach and equal care and are treated with dignity and respect. A Warren VA will ensure that every LGBTQ+ person can get the equitable, gender-affirming, and culturally-competent health care they need. That means providing all medically necessary care related to the health of transgender people, including transition-related surgery, and allowing providers discretion to deem gender-affirming procedures as medically necessary based on an individualized assessment. This care will also be available under Medicare for All. Professional medical associations recognize the need for transition-related surgery. VA’s blanket exclusion policy of medically necessary treatment is not grounded in medicine; it should be repealed.
Sen. Warren has stated that she has “opposed the Trump Administration’s shameful ban on transgender service members from the start.”
Sen. Warren pledge, “I’ll reverse it on the first day of my presidency.”
READ MORE: Idaho Taxpayers to Pay For Inmate’s Gender Reassignment Surgery
The question regarding taxpayer funds and gender reassignment processes has already basked in the spotlight.
A convicted pedophile in Idaho is currently fighting a legal battle to be given taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery.
A transgender inmate convicted of murder was awarded taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery in 2017.
The James Younger case has made headlines across the United States and abroad over the father’s right to have a say in his 7-year-old son’s gender transition–seemingly orchestrated by the boy’s mother.