Last Updated on July 30, 2024
For five years, Texas dad Jeff Younger has been waging the battle to prevent his ex-wife from chemically castrating their son James.
The story of James Younger burst onto national headlines when Anne Georgulas, mother to then seven-year-old James, planned to medically castrate her son with hormones, as well as “cut his penis off,” according to an eyewitness at the custody hearing between Georgulas and her ex-husband, Jeff Younger.
James’ father Jeff has been tangling with Texas courts since 2019, when National FIle first reported on this travesty.
After much wrangling of the steers in the Texas legislature, and even some foot-dragging opposition from Gov. Abbott himself, Younger and a few friends managed to turn this nightmare into some sense of normalcy in Austin, with a child
Regular readers of National File won’t be surprised to learn that Abbott and top Republicans in Austin like Gov. Abbott, Dan Patrick, and Dade Phelan (who definitely are NOT queer) were paid handsomely to support child genital mutilation in Texas.
The outcry to end child genital mutilation in Texas were deafening, and came from all corners.
After much cow prodding, Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Sid Miller even took to Tucker Carlson’s now-cancelled show on Fox News to call for an end to the barbary of child genital mutilation in The Lone Star State.
The protests eventually got loud enough that Gov. Abbott eventually threw tipsy Dade Phelan under the bus in a very public manner.
After years of agitation by conservatives and Christians in Texas, and a very spirited run for office by Younger himself — a hard fought campaign that ended in a run-off which he narrowly lost in 2022 — the majority Republican legislature in Austin finally relented and passed a child gender transition ban in the spring of 2023.
But the move for remedy in the State House in Austin was merely a game of hot potato.
The state house passage of the chemical genital mutilation ban amounted to tossing the ball over to the Supreme Court to handle.
And handle it they did.
In early September of 2022, Georgulas petitioned the Dallas court to be allowed to move James wherever she wished, within the continental United States.
You can read that petition here.

In late September of 2022, after Younger’s ex-wife had asked the Dallas court to allow her to take James wherever she wanted, the court assented, allowing Georgulas to traffic James Younger across state lines.
See below.
It is important to note that at the same time the legislature was moving their soft ban through committee and to the floor for a vote, Georgulas had already filed a motion with the Dallas 301st district court to remove young James from the jurisdiction of the state of Texas.
One of the major issues with Georgulas’s petition to move James to California was the emergence of California’s SB 107, which, according to Alliance Defending Freedom, “would undermine parental rights, pit children against their parents, and could even encourage abduction of children to California under the false pretense of seeking gender transition procedures.”
In claiming that she was not moving James to California with the intent of chemically castrating James, it appears that Georgulas lied to the district court. Georgulas clearly stated she had no intention of pursuing chemical castration of young James.
Read the Texas Supreme Court’s assertion that Georgulas represented to the Court that she did not intend to transition the child below.
Georgulas’s apparent lies to the Texas Supreme Court could put her plan to transition James in jeopardy. As the court says, “Father could seek immediate appellate relief” if Georgulas attempts to “consent to such therapy for the child” after SB 107 becomes law.
The lie, assuming that is what it was, worked.
The Texas Supreme Court allowed Georgulas to take then eleven-year-old James out of the state of Texas.
The Supreme Court decision to allow Georgulas to leave with James directly detailed Georgulas’s assertion that she did not intend to transition James in California.
Further, the High Court’s order clearly indicated that Georgulas would be in trouble with that court should her assertion not turn out to be the truth.
In early 2023, with the approval of the Texas Supreme Court, Gerogulas sucessfully absconded from the state of Texas in search of courts who would look more favorably upon her plan to transition James: Destination California.
It is not an exaggeration to say that the Texas Supreme Court aided and abetted the trafficking of little James, then eleven years of age, across state lines, into the state of California.
In January of 2023, at the very same moment Jeff Younger was running for state house in Texas, the Texas Supreme Court ruled against Younger’s appeal to prevent Younger’s ex-wife Anne Georgulas.
Since 2019, National File has covered Jeff’s story every step of the way, when the “big boys” like Shapiro’s Daily Wire and The Federalist wouldn’t touch the story at first. We’re glad they finally joined the cause.
As of late, however, conservative media, or “Con. Inc.,” has gone silent about the judicial shell game –or footsie, if you prefer — the states of Texas and California are playing with one another.
Predictably, Georgulas is moving forward with efforts to transition young James.
James has resided in California for a year and a half. This story is not over. James has not yet been castrated.
James Younger’s health and the sanctity of the Younger family still hangs in the balance.
Perhaps Con. Inc. will find their morals on this issue once again. Perhaps not.
All of this brings us to where we are today.
A pro-LGBTQ lawyer calling herself Alana Chazan is threatening Jeff Younger with time in prison.
On July 25, a legal watchdog named Alex Baker released documents detailing the reality that Los Angeles judge Mark Juhas was “about to authorize transgender crimes against humanity.”
In doing so, Baker violated Judge Michelle Kazadi’s unconstitutional order (above). Judge Kazadi ordered that the entire case be sealed, and further barred the presence of cameras in the courtroom.
Baker released the documents to the public because of his personal belief that such rulings and court orders are not constitutional, and that the orders themselves constitute illegal concealment of public hearings on matters of public importance — namely, the developing arena of the law governing what the left calls “gender affirming care.”
Baker reported that Chazan is so worried with news of James’s gender transition that on July 25th, Chazan brought forward a motion to arrest Jeff Younger.
Not Baker, but Younger. Read that petition for arrest here below.
Judge Kazadi has acquiesced to pro-child mutilation attorney Chazan, and has agreed to schedule Chazan’s hearing for criminal prosecution of Jeff Younger for August 2, 2024, or Friday of this week.