Last Updated on March 19, 2024
Carol Miller voted amid the Marxist color revolution of 2020 to remove statues from the U.S. Capitol that were linked to the Confederacy and deemed by BLM and other radicals to be racist symbols of the “oppression” they claim to suffer from in America at the hands of White people. The legislation that Miller supported parroted radical claims about America, which have been used repeatedly by BLM and others to justify violence on a massive scale.
Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV-1) voted for legislation sponsored by Maryland Democrat and then-House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer to remove monuments from the U.S. Capitol building, for offending the race radicals that held America hostage for the bulk of 2020 and have continued waging their campaign to this day.
The legislation specifically singled out legendary American John C. Calhoun, for whom Hoyer, BLM, and their comrades reserve a special vitriolic hatred, as they claim that he is a human symbol of slavery, an avatar of whom has been permanently chiseled into stone and housed in the Capitol building.
But the bill didn’t stop there and called for “all statues of individuals who voluntarily served in the Confederacy from the U.S. Capitol building.”
“This is a small but important step in helping to ameliorate the pain that racism has caused Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other people of color over centuries by removing celebrations of our nation’s history of oppression from public squares,” the legislation went on to say, parroting nearly word-for-word the anti-White, and-American talking points used by BLM and Antifa to incite physical violence against Americans and our history.
Read the Legislation Below:

While the anti-history legislation that Miller championed passed the House, it failed to make it through the Senate and be signed into law.
In 2021, similar legislation came up but Miller, like many McCarthy Republicans, changed her stripes and suddenly adopted a pro-America stance against the Marxist history-cleansing effort, likely because her constituents had begun publicly expressing their disapproval of her previous vote.
Related: Carol Miller Voted for Green New Deal Policies Destroying WV Energy Sector
In addition to her vote to tear down the statues, Miller has been blasted by her constituents and her GOP Primary challenger, Derrick Evans, who outraised her going into 2024, for her support of Green New Deal policies, as well as her vote to fund the invasion of America’s southern border and the Biden DOJ’s persecution of President Trump.
Unlike the BLM radicals Carol Miller stood for in 2020, Derrick Evans was targetted by the same Biden DOJ that’s attacking President Trump and countless other American Patriots, for traveling to Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2021, and standing against the election fraud that Carol Miller and her House GOP colleagues allowed to overthrow the United States of America.
Read More From Derrick Evans:
Carol Miller voted with BLM to remove statues from the U.S. Capitol.
Combine this with her Green New Deal votes and her votes to push Gun Control, and Carol Miller may as well be a member of Antifa.
— Derrick Evans (@DerrickEvans4WV) March 19, 2024
Derrick Evans: Carol Miller is a ‘Traitor’ After Vote to Fund Invasion, Trump Persecution
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