Last Updated on June 29, 2020
Danny O’Brien, the executive vice president and head of government relations at Fox News’ parent company, is a former Joe Biden chief of staff who is reportedly actively helping the Biden campaign connect to Washington lobbyists.
Danny O’Brien started out with gigs at the Democratic National Committee, director of ethnic outreach for the Clinton White House, and on the Al Gore campaign. He served as Joe Biden’s chief of staff in the Senate from 2003 to 2006, then worked as political director for Biden’s 2008 presidential campaign.
After working for Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez and General Electric, he inexplicably became the executive vice president and head of government relations at Fox Corp in 2018. Fox Corp is the Murdoch entity that currently owns Fox News. Thus, the effective chief lobbyist for Fox News is a hardcore Biden guy. And he’s also not-so-discreetly helping the Biden campaign this election cycle.
In a March 2020 article headlined, “Biden surge brings sense of relief to K Street,” POLITICO reported (emphasis added): “Former Sen. John Breaux (D-La.), another old friend of Biden’s who’s now a lobbyist, showed up with Dodd at a fundraiser in Georgetown last year but didn’t write a check. “I’m sure I wasn’t the only nonpaying customer,” he said with a laugh at the time.
Danny O’Brien, a former Biden chief of staff who’s now the top lobbyist for Fox Corporation, has helped connect supporters to the campaign as well.
Other former Biden staffers on K Street include Sudafi Henry, a lobbyist who represents clients such as Facebook, FedEx and PepsiCo; Tony Russo, the top lobbyist for T-Mobile; Jeffrey Peck, who lobbies for clients such as Deutsche Bank and Anheuser-Busch; and Chris Putala, a lobbyist whose clients include Comcast and T-Mobile, according to disclosure filings.”