MUHAMMAD ALI JR: My Dad Would Hate the ‘Racists’ and ‘Devils’ Leading the BLM Movement by National File News June 20, 2020 "My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘all lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d ...
Latinx Black Spider-Man To Star In Video Game Sequel by Eduardo Rivero June 12, 2020 Miles Morales to take over Spider-Man role in homage to Obama
Man Who Waved Chainsaw at #BLM Protesters Released, Charged With Assault by Archive June 9, 2020 Hispanic man brandishing chainsaw and shouting at white #BLM protesters has been released from jail
UK: Winston Churchill Statue Vandalised by Rioters, Police Remove Statue Defenders by National File News June 8, 2020 London rioters targeted historic monuments out of perceived racism
LGBT Organization Vandalized in DC George Floyd Riots by Archive June 8, 2020 Blaze took place two blocks away from White House
Black Virginia Navy Vet to Northam: ‘Stop Destroying Confederate Statues’ by Kim Coulter June 4, 2020 Republican Navy Vet Jarome Bell called on Ralph Northam to not destroy Confederate statues this week. The agenda to target ...